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Eynsham Village News

Eynsham Park and Ride 13 Oct 2022 The wrong solution in the wrong place? Only time will tell...

After several years’ negotiation (and a packed public meeting in 2019), Park & Ride construction finally gets under way on Monday 17 October.

A section of Cuckoo Lane will be closed overnight from 25 October to 7 November, for construction of a temporary site access / egress bell mouth - view details and diversion route.

‘This is one of six major schemes in West Oxfordshire which will deliver a range of sustainable travel improvements along the A40’, says the County Council. ‘The 850-space park and ride, located on the A40 eastbound, will help improve congestion on the A40 and provide regular and reliable public transport services into Oxford.’

Programme overview | P&R Project

Plant and workers at Park & Ride site © BBC News / Oxfordshire CC

Eynsham Parish Council and Witney Town Council have both questioned the choice of site. Any additional provision of bus services will ultimately be a commercial decision.


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