Eynsham Venue HireBotley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageEynsham Image Archive

Eynsham Unlocked

This introduction and walking tour is also widely available as a free leaflet to guide your visit, with a short history overleaf.

What’s in a name?

It's first mentioned as 'Egonesham' in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, but over the centuries the name of the village has changed many times. Up until the 19th century most maps mark it as 'Ensham', but then the spelling was changed, by either the Post Office or the Ordnance Survey, to Eynsham.

Despite the 'y', it is pronounced 'en-shum'.

What’s on

Eynsham is home to a wide variety of activities and events. The calendar begins with May Day celebrations, marking the start of the Morris Dancing season. One of the biggest attractions is the annual Carnival - dating back to 1938 - while art exhibitions, open gardens and the Village Show cater for quieter tastes. There are many pubs and restaurants if you want to eat out and plenty of leisure groups, societies and sports clubs if you want to settle in.

A walk around Eynsham

  1. Start at the car park in Back Lane and walk west, along Clover Place
  2. Turn left, down the alley called Wastie Lane
  3. Turn left again along Acre End
  4. Turn right down Lombard Street - note the Baptist church set back to your right - and go straight on into Abbey Street
  5. At the bottom of Abbey Street, go into the Catholic church car park to see the site of the Abbey. Turn round and retrace your steps
  6. Turn right into Church Street and up to the Square
  7. Go east along High Street and then turn left up Queen Street
  8. At the top of Queen Street turn left into Newland Street
  9. At the end of Newland Street turn left into Mill Street
  10. Just opposite Thames Street, turn right, up Conduit Lane, which will bring you back to the car park.


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Eynsham Venue HireBotley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageEynsham Image Archive