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Eynsham Parish Council

Eynsham Parish Council represents the interests of the people of Eynsham and Barnard Gate to other public authorities. A Parish Council is the level of local government closest to the community, sitting below the district authority (West Oxfordshire DC) and the county authority (Oxfordshire CC). Currently, it consists of 13 elected, unpaid councillors and four paid staff members. The Council operates out of Eynsham Village Hall, where meetings are held.

A Parish Council makes all kinds of decisions on issues that affect the local community and seeks to represent residents’ views, mainly around planning, development and environment preservation. Our Parish Council also contributes to and manages local amenities such as allotments, bus-shelters and litter bins; provides recreational facilities including community buildings, playing fields and the Abbey Fishponds; makes grants in aid of many village clubs and charities; arranges grass-cutting on behalf of the County Council; and maintains an interest in churchyard provision. The Council owns two local buildings, the Bartholomew Room and Eynsham Sports Pavilion, and as such manages its upkeep and hires it out to local organisations.

Eynsham Parish Council now has its own website! By clicking on the link below, you can find comprehensive, up-to-date information and news, meeting dates and key documents from the Parish Council. Visit via the link below:

Visit the Eynsham Parish Council website
Eynsham Venue HireMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Heritage