The developers produced an addendum to their Masterplan for West Eynsham Strategic Development Area in February 2023. Amidst various revisions, it shows two further parcels of land, next to Fruitlands, as potential development sites.
WODC’s Joint Scrutiny Committee recommended that this addendum should be rejected. Decision now lies with the Executive meeting at Eynsham Village Hall on 12 July. Everyone is welcome to attend.
DATELINE 03/10/2022: Update on the framework, revised plans for west of Derrymerrye Farm and reactions
West Oxfordshire District Council approved the developers’ own Masterplan (20Mb) for West Eynsham SDA on 16 March 2022 (Minute 96).
Jansons Property revised its outline application for the site west of Elm Place / Derrymerrye Farm in July, in the light of earlier comments and of the new Masterplan: view the introductory letter. Means of access remains a key issue, given ‘the current lack of clarity around the A40 works (and HiF 2 proposals)’ and revised flood risk assessment. This paper presents three scenarios.
Eynsham Parish Council has raised significant concerns about sewage capacity, since Thames Water has ‘identified that some capacity exists within the foul water network to serve 50 dwellings only’.
DATELINE 24/01/2021: Jansons Property moves ahead with proposals for the Strategic Development Area
‘If consented, the plans will deliver up to 180 new homes of which up to 50% could be affordable, a new play area and the first phase of a new linear park, as well as significant investment in the local school and wider community’ say the agents. This application covers means of access only for land west of Derrymerrye Farm.
Key features are a new access road into the SDA avoiding the Chil Brook flood plain and a new arm from the proposed Park & Ride (as recommended in WODC’s Access Study for West Eynsham SDA in September 2020).
Proposed links to local schools and other facilities are indicated in the transport assessment.
SEE ALSO: project website
NOTE: WODC’s draft access strategy includes onward links to the B4449 in the south and secondary links within the village to the east. Their document has yet to go out to consultation. You can follow progress on this page (click to expand the West Eynsham section).