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Eynsham Library News

Summer at the Library 12 Aug 2022 some forthcoming events and a summer update

Hello from the Library team.

Summer Reading Challenge

It has been a busy few weeks at the library since the launch of this year's Summer Reading Challenge and it has been great to see so many children signing up and calling in to tell us about the books they have been reading. Registration for the reading challenge is still open and it runs until September 10th when all completed challenges will be entered into a prize draw to win science themed prizes and book tokens.

Summer Holiday activities

We continue to run our weekly "Rhymetime" sessions every Monday throughout the year at 2.00 on Monday afternoons.All babies and toddlers are welcome to attend with a parent/carer to enjoy around 30 minutes singing nursery rhymes and action songs.

Rocket making session with "Curiosity Box" Eynsham

2.00 on Wednesday 17th August . Come along and build a rocket . Places are limited and can be booked by calling in to the library or phoning on 880525 

Summer Craft table and Storytime

We will have a summer themed craft table in the library from 2.00 to 4.00 on Thursday August 25th. All are welcome to attend to do some colouring and make fridge magnets ,book marks or greetings cards. There will also be a summer themed storytime at 2.30 

Return of the "Open Plus" out of hours access system

Following a prolonged break during the pandemic and a recent upgrade to the systems software, we are hoping to be able to offer out of hours access to the library again at some point in September. We will post again here and on Eynsham Community Facebook group once the exact date is known

We look forward to seeing you in the library soon

Jane, Pam, Carole, Janet and Jan