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Eynsham Observatory News

The Night Sky this January! 1 Jan 2024 What to look out for in the night sky from Eynsham.

This is not intended to be comprehensive - it is a quick guide to help you find a few things in the night sky without any equipment - just your eyes.

All of these are very bright and easy to find when walking around the village.

The planets

  • Venus and is morning object in the east. It is very bright rising before sunrise - so be careful if you do use binoculars - do not use these at sunrise as you will damage your eyes.
  • Mercury is also a morning object next to Venus
  • Saturn is in the south at sunset and sets in the west.
  • Jupiter rises at sunset about 4.00pm in the East and is in the south sky all night.
  • The Moon is full on the 21st rising about 1pm in the East.

There are an International Space Station pass on the 6th of January - starting at 7:12pm and ends at Orion.

The Quadrantids meteor shower can be seen this month - it can only be seen after midnight with its peak at 4am on the 4th January - there could be around 60 - 200 meteors an hour. Get a chair and sit outside and just look up with your back to the Moon

I have made or found the following charts to help you find: -

  • 6th Space Station pass
  • 9th Venus and the Moon
  • 14th Moon and Saturn
  • 18th Moon and Jupiter
  • Orion and the Winter Triangle
  • The Moon Phases


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