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Eynsham Observatory News

The Night Sky this November! 30 Oct 2022 What to look out for in the night sky from Eynsham.

The Night Sky in November!

This is not intended to be comprehensive - it is a quick guide to help you find a few things in the night sky without any equipment - just your eyes.

All of these are very bright and easy to find when walking around the village. As the clocks change the nights are drawing in objects will be seen at better times.

The planets - Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can all be seen this month. Jupiter is looking impressive in the sky - you will be able to see the moons of Jupiter with a pair of binoculars or a small telescope. Venus is now too close to the Sun - so not visible.

The full Moon is on the 8th

Look out for the Moon and Mars rising together in the East on the 11th

If you are up late then the annual Leonid meteor shower (in constallation Leo) reaches its peak on the 18th and into the morning. Allow 20 minutes for your eyes to become dark-adapted Look for the 33%-lit waning crescent Moon - as it will give you the location as it is located within Leo at this time, causing some interference.

I have made the following charts to help you find: -

  • A early and bright ISS pass on the 11th starting at 18:18 hrs
  • The phases of the Moon
  • Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon
  • Mars and the Moon
  • The constellation Orion and Mars


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