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Eynsham's Nature Recovery Network! News

Eynsham's Hedgehog Highway 8 May 2021 Join us in creating a highway for hedgehogs through the village. Don and Judy Reid report

Eynsham’s hedgehogs are very much in need of protection from the rigours of human activities. So Eynsham’s Nature Recovery Network has established a Hedgehog Group, run by Neil Bailey, and Judy & Don Reid.  There are many caring people in the village who provide for the hedgehogs by putting out food, water, and specially built houses for them to pass the daylight hours or to hibernate.  Our main aim is to coordinate all the areas of the village to which hedgehogs have access and create a Hedgehog Highway map covering those gardens and green spaces.

We have organised help for people to connect with their neighbours’ gardens by making CD-size holes in their walls or fences, and you will soon see our wheelie-bin stickers around the village which we hope will help calm excessive speeding.

For your garden to be included in the map we’d love to hear from you – don.reid130@gmail.com for details.


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