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Eynsham's Nature Recovery Network! News

NRN Tiny Talks 4 to 20 March 7.30 28 Feb 2021 Sign up to the Nature Recovery Network's 20 minute talks from our local experts and enthusiasts

Following the hugely successful webinar for local parishes and parish councils, and to justify our expenditure to zoom, NRN put out a call to our local experts and enthusiasts for short talks on any nature-related subject.

We were so wonderfully overwhelmed with offers that, run on a weekly basis, they would take us far out of lock-down when most of us will have buried zoom deep in the compost heap. So, we’ve decided to run a mini-fest of Tiny Talks from 4th to 20th March, 2021.

The tinyness of the talks - only 20 minutes from 7.30pm - allows you to take them with a drink or dessert and have the rest of the evening free. So, enjoy them like sweeties and sign up to them all! We will soon be starting, reptile surveys, water vole surveys and creating Eynsham’s own hedgehog superhighway, as well as continuing our garden, bird, water and veteran tree surveys. This is your chance to learn more about them before joining in…

Our webinar costs are sponsored by Natural England.

PLEASE NOTE: Sue Chapman's talk on 9th March will be at the earlier time of 7pm to allow for attendance at the Eynsham Parish Council's Annual Parish Meeting

4 March - David Knight (Hanborough Road, Eynsham) ‘Earthworms - Nature’s Ploughshare,’ Trustee of Wild Oxfordshire

We used a different system for David’s talk so there is no actual registration and you may need the meeting ID (Meeting ID: 853 9395 3701 Passcode: 773125).)

5 March - Clare Hill (Wytham) ‘Tackling biodiversity loss and climate change on our farm using regenerative agriculture techniques,’ Director Regenerative Agriculture, FAI Farms.

8 March - Neil Clennell (Queen Street, Eynsham) – ‘The slow worm; our secretive suburban companion,’ Herpetologist, CEO, Wychwood Project

9 March - **7pm** Sue Chapman (Newland Street, Eynsham) ­- ‘Half a century of trying to protect Nature in Eynsham’ Former Chair of Eynsham Society and Parish Councillor

10 March - Kerry Fisher (Eynsham) ‘Tips for photographing wildlife on a Budget’, photographer

11 March - Sarah Couch (Acre End, Street, Eynsham) ‘Fighting for Trees: going the extra mile to save important trees,’Heritage Landscape Specialist.

12 March - Linda Wisheart (Mill Street, Eynsham) ‘Look, listen, lament: grief and the loss of biodiversity, Psychotherapist

15 March - Lucy Stoddart (Spareacre Road, Eynsham) 'Reviving Ratty- The plight of one of Britain’s most iconic mammals, the water vole, and what we can do to help on a local level,'BBOWT Mammal Officer

16 March – Andy Goodwin (High Street, Eynsham) Charlotte Holmes (Wytham View, Eynsham) ‘Willow Coppice: creatively growing, making and learning’

17 March – Sue Raikes (Queens Lane, Eynsham) ‘Edible Eynsham?’, GreenTEA and Peace Oak

18 March Stephen Powles (Kirtlington) - Kirtlington's Hedgehog Superhighway (40 minutes) Stephen is involved in wildlife photography, filming and conservation. He will describe how his brother, Chris, inspired the villagers of Kirtlington to create a “Hedgehog Superhighway” of interconnected gardens. Chris will answer questions. 

19 March, Renee Watson (Eynsham) – ‘Feel good fungi foraging; finding joy in the small things’, Science communicator.

20 March, Maarten van Hardenbroek, (Acre End Street, Eynsham) ‘What the bugs in our brooks tell us about water quality’, Lecturer in Physical Geography, Newcastle University