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Eynsham's Nature Recovery Network! News

Join NRN Wild Arts Workshop 27 Mar 2022 Carbon Capture and Pigment, Art and Science workshop. 2nd April 10.30 to 13.30pm

Come and join us for this last in NRN's series of Science and Art Workshops

2nd April, 10.30 to 13.30pm on Long Mead Local Wildlife Site

This unique workshop combines cutting-edge science from Open University expert Dr. Clare Lawson with hands-on exploration of charcoal as an art media led by local artist Eric White.

Clare studies carbon storage in the soils of biodiverse floodplain hay meadows in the local area, including Long Mead's ancient wildflower meadow. Her preliminary results suggest that floodplain meadows can be as good as peat bogs at sequestering carbon. So, this is your chance to dig deeper into the science of Climate Change mitigation and to better understand the world beneath our feet.

Eric has been perfecting the art of pastels for many years will guide and inspire you to respond artistically to the science using a form of carbon -charcoal. Charcoal itself is a simple transformation of the carbon stored in the trunks and branches of trees. Produced by fire, it has been used since prehistory as a pigment in art and in social rituals and is still valued by artists for its expressive qualities. Whatever your artistic ability Eric will guide and inspire you to use and create with charcoal.

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