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Eynsham's Nature Recovery Network! News

This Week's NRN Tiny Talks 15 Mar 2021 Read on for this weeks NRN Tiny Talks and Survey Opportunities

With one week to go on NRN's Tiny Talks, everyone has been delighted by the enthusiasm with which we want to listen to each other and share our experience of nature in all its manifestations. Around 60 people have joined each talk, with more listening to the recordings on our Youtube Channel.

This week's talks (links below) offer more opportunities to understand our local wildlife and also learn more about a particular interest you may have before signing up for NRN's 2021 surveys. No previous experience is needed but obviously group surveying lead by our local experts will have to wait for the end of lock-down. Ongoing survey opportunities for this season are:

Botanical surveys, including re-surveying Eynsham's new meadow areas
Reptile surveys in the fishponds and elsewhere
Water and invertebrate surveys
Bird surveys
Garden wildlife survey
Veteran tree surveys
Water vole surveys

Email: if you would like to take part.

15 March - Lucy Stoddart (Spareacre Road, Eynsham) 'Reviving Ratty
- The plight of one of Britain’s most iconic mammals, the water vole, and what we can do to help on a local level,' BBOWT Mammal Officer
16 March – Andy Goodwin (High Street, Eynsham) Charlotte Holmes (Wytham View, Eynsham) ‘Willow Coppice: creatively growing, making and learning’
17 March – Sue Raikes (Queens Lane, Eynsham) ‘Edible Eynsham?’, GreenTEA and Peace Oak
18 March - Stephen Powles (Kirtlington) - Kirtlington's Hedgehog Superhighway (40 minutes) Stephen is involved in wildlife photography, filming and conservation. He will describe how his brother, Chris, inspired the villagers of Kirtlington to create a “Hedgehog Superhighway” of interconnected gardens. Chris will answer questions.
19 March - Renee Watson (Eynsham) – ‘Feel good fungi foraging; finding joy in the small things’, Science communicator
20 March - Maarten van Hardenbroek, (Acre End Street, Eynsham) ‘What the bugs in our brooks tell us about water quality’, Lecturer in Physical Geography, Newcastle University