GreenTEA (Green Transition Eynsham Area) is about helping people to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle, one which is independent of fossil fuels. The emphasis is on grassroots action and building a more resilient community, enabling us to live within the planet’s resources. We can offer advice and support on lowering your carbon footprint through five working groups which focus on the areas outlined in the tabs above. We work with residents across the Eynsham, Aston, Cassington, Farmoor, Freeland, Long Hanborough, Standlake, and Stanton Harcourt areas. For more information on the Transition movement, please scroll down.
We send out a monthly e-newsletter, The Brew, which includes details on local events as well as national and international news relating to sustainability and the environment. Please sign up here to receive a copy, our updated Privacy Policy is also available below.