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helping you use less energy

There are a variety of local resources and activities:

Generating greener electricity

GreenTEA is working with the Low Carbon Hub to contribute towards the vision of replacing Didcot Power Station with renewable sources of energy and energy saving as a way to galvanise community interest and activity. In 2012 we successfully brokered three solar photovoltaic (PV) installations on community buildings in Eynsham – two in partnership with the Low Carbon Hub and one installed independently by Bartholomew School.

Useful websites related to energy

The People’s Power Station is an online platform which shows renewable energy and energy efficiency projects which residents and organisations across Oxfordshire have installed. You can add your own project if you have one! 

Eynsham Smart and Fair Futures: 2020 - 2050

GreenTEA has been working since 2020 with the Low Carbon Hub and independent renewables and sustainability experts on the Eynsham Smart and Fair Futures Project, under Project LEO. The summary report for our Community Action Plan for Zero Carbon Energy (CAPZero) is now available and the full report will be published soon. The project has developed plans for the transition to a smarter, flexible, zero carbon electricity system with fair access for households, businesses, and communities to realise the opportunities and benefits it will bring. There are targets for 2030 and 2050. Look out for more news on the next stage soon.

Some of the items on our Project brief:

  1. To develop a Zero Carbon Energy Action Plan for the whole Eynsham Primary Substation Area - old Eynsham, Garden Village, West Eynsham, Freeland, Church Hanborough, Long Hanborough, Eynsham Hall.
  2. To develop the long-term stewardship proposals to govern the above plan, including its resourcing plan, whereby the community can ensure that Eynsham reaches the goal of a zero carbon energy system in advance of 2050.
  3. To understand the magnitude of the gap between the current Outline Planning Application proposals for Salt Cross and the zero-carbon goals of the draft Area Action Plan.
  4. To develop proposals and business models for bridging this gap, including proposals for the development of the Smart Energy Hub currently designated on the outline planning drawings and local supply options (eg a Community Energy Services Company and full microgrid study).
  5. To apply learning from points 3 and 4 above to West Eynsham Strategic Development Area.
  6. To ensure that the community benefits from new development and can influence the quality of the development


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Typical heat loss from different parts of a househeat mapping - Photographer Coventry City CouncilThermal image of home with cavity wall insulation - Photographer Green TEA
Botley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageEynsham Venue HireEynsham Image Archive