In autumn 2008 Eynsham Parish Council obtained £1967 from the War Memorials Trust towards restoration of the Memorial. Preparation began in December, with hard edging for the borders and the spreading of Scottish cobbles over remaining ground.
In January 2009 a work party from Eynsham Garden Club cleared away overgrown vegetation and roots from the beds. Parish Council funding enabled them to add new shrubs and perennials in February. The plants and planting scheme from Fieldfare Nurseries were designed for a site in deep shade, which needs to look its best for Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day, year after year.
Professional cleaning by Banbury Memorials took place in March, in readiness for the rededication service on 19 April, with laying up of the RBL Women’s standard. The organist was John Rotherham.
SEE ALSO Eynsham War Memorial - main entry