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Eynsham Heritage News

Eynsham Abbey Booklet - SOLD OUT! 20 Mar 2022 English Heritage Booklets for sale on Eynsham Abbey £5.00 Proceeds to Eynsham Museum Funds.

Every single remaining booklet was sold on Heritage Day; look for more when the Museum opens!

DATELINE 13/02/2022: This Booklet was produced some years ago to describe and explain what was found and discovered during the Eynsham Abbey Dig from 1989-1992. The author is Alan Hardy, the Archaeologist who led the Dig.

Many of the Finds are in the Museum Resources Centre in Standlake but will be on display in the Bartholomew Room on March 19th : Eynsham Heritage Day.

Copies on sale @ £5.00 while stocks last, proceeds to Eynsham Museum Funds - email: frmartinflatman@gmail.com


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