Firstly, a big thank you to all the many people who have supported the FB by giving food donations, money, and their time to the Eynsham FB. Without this community support we simply could not operate.
Such support has enabled over 7,500 food parcels to be delivered to over 200 households over the last three and a half years.
Whilst we started as a response to Covid, as that has eased the financial pressures for many have increased. Currently we are supporting 40 households. (We have seen 80% of our service users be able to progress to not needing our support whilst others have required assistance more recently.)
A further development is that we have now integrated the FB into the Eynsham Good Neighbour Network, which means we can more easily link people who have needs other than for a food parcel.
It is still the case that every £1 received goes solely on food purchases as all volunteers give of their time (and petrol!) without charge and Eynsham Baptist Church which hosts the FB has also made no charge for this.
Our running costs average £10 per food box so presently some £400 per week. Support by Standing Order of £700 per month greatly helps towards this and we have also received assistance from WODC (occasional grants) but we continue to need further support to maintain the present level of service.
If you would like to contribute to the FB running costs, details of our bank account are set out below. Similarly if you have any questions about the FB or may need the service please feel free to contact me on the number below.
Lastly thanks again to all the volunteers who give of their time, and to those who have donated to the FB. The Eynsham community has been wonderful in how it has rallied to the needs of those who for whatever reasons need some time limited help and it is marvellous to be a part of such a village.
Food Bank account details:
Name: Eynsham Good Neighbour Network
Sort Code: 40-35-34
Account No: 14162870
Bob Thiele - 07450 328530