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On Your Doorstep: Latest 27 Nov 2024 OCC revised proposals for the A40 Eynsham Park & Ride to Wolvercote scheme are now on view

The scheme will provide new bus lanes and improvements to active travel infrastructure along the A40 between Eynsham and Wolvercote. See Councillor Dan Levy's recent briefing.

Public engagement runs from 25 November to 1 January 2025, with a drop-in session from 15:00-19:00 on 4 December at Eynsham Village Hall.

This is your chance to view the plans and offer feedback before an application is submitted.

View the documents, take the survey

The exhibition boards are combined in a hefty (52Mb) PDF file, so will be much easier to read in person. For alternative formats please email, or call 01865 792422.

DATELINE 22/10/1024: Together at last: Eynsham’s new Park & Ride is finally to be connected to the A40, and new bus lanes built towards Oxford, after the Government finally signed off £126m of funding, according to a report in the Oxford Clarion.

A40 dualling from Witney to Eynsham seems to have been 'scrapped' however, because it cannot be delivered within the funding available.

County Councillor Dan Levy has kindly supplied both context and commentary this afternoon.

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DATELINE 03/03/2024: Major construction has been completed. The latest photo shows the construction site in January 2024. Landscaping including tree planting is currently ongoing and is scheduled to be completed by spring.

aerial shot of the construction site in January 2024

Access to / from the A40 remains the biggest hurdle. ‘Residents ... will benefit from the service improvements planned once the park and ride and bus lanes are in place and will be able to access A40 services from new bus stops facilities with real-time information’, says Oxfordshire County Council.

DATELINE 20/11/2023: Construction has continued to progress, with the paving of the site almost completed. Lighting columns and heads now being installed are visible from the A40. The construction phase is expected to be completed by next year.

In parallel, a feasibility study shows that a railway line connecting Carterton, Witney, and Eynsham to Oxford would be viable: read the press release.

DATELINE 14/12/2022: Excavation work begins. County Councillors joined construction and public transport partners to celebrate to celebrate the breaking of ground at Eynsham park and ride on Monday. Construction is due to start in early January, finishing in early 2024; and the site will open in late 2025 according to the press release.

breaking ground at the new park and ride site

DATELINE 02/12/2022: A County Council statement on its HIF2/A40 improvements scheme (dualling Witney–Eynsham, bus lane Eynsham–Wolvercote, Duke’s Cut bridge works) confirms that ‘the Eynsham park and ride project, which is fully funded, will proceed as planned’.

County Councillor Dan Levy has called for work on the park and ride scheme to be included in the review, to ensure the council’s active travel and climate change objectives are factored in.

DATELINE 30/11/2022: The County Council’s A40 Smart Corridor Scheme is to be paused, as it is currently exceeding its budget - £106,756,836 provided by Homes England.

View the officers’ report

The County Council remains committed to the scheme and an update will be brought to Cabinet early in 2023.

The impact on the new £51m, 850-space park and ride scheme is currently unclear.

Plant and workers at Park & Ride site © BBC

DATELINE 18/01/2022: OCC’s planning application for the A40 Smart Corridor in now live. Residents and stakeholders can view and respond to the planning application on the Planning Register, under reference R3.0151/21.

‘The planning application submission is a key milestone in the delivery of the wider A40 improvements programme’, says OCC. ‘The planning application covers three schemes:

  • ‘A40 dual carriageway extension from east of Witney to the Eynsham park and ride site.
  • ‘A40 integrated bus lanes: a four-mile east- and westbound bus priority corridor, with improved routes and crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • ‘A40 Duke’s Cut: a new eastbound bus lane and improved cycling and pedestrian facilities linking the A40 integrated bus lanes with north Oxford.’

For Eynsham residents, key features include ‘Construction of a new signalised junction to the Eynsham Park and Ride site; New pedestrian/ cyclist underpass at Cuckoo Lane; Alterations to existing junctions and property accesses along the A40; Controlled crossings, external lighting, noise barriers, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping, habitat creation including ecology ponds and associated hibernacula’... The list is goes on!


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