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West Eynsham Alert 10 Feb 2021 Premature planning application puts Eynsham at risk.

GreenTEA (Transition Eynsham Area) and EPIC (Eynsham Planning Improvement Campaign) were recently alerted to this first outline planning application in the West Eynsham Strategic Development Area (SDA). So we have quickly teamed up to produce an open, community letter, as well as a detailed response, both setting out good parts of the application as well as concerns.

The deadline is Thursday, February 11th, but we have it from WODC that we can submit responses up to the determination date of March 18th

As many of you know, our community has been amazing in actively shaping development plans for north and west of Eynsham (see photo gallery).

But now we are worried about the tactics of this applicant. In their planning application, they are only seeking permission for the principle of residential development and the means of access (i.e., a fourth leg on the proposed Park and Ride roundabout on the A40). And they are doing this before there is a masterplan or overarching policy linking the whole SDA with the site and surrounding developments on the A40 and the Garden Village.

Without an agreed masterplan or overarching policy, we are in danger of un-co-ordinated planning, traffic chaos, increased air and noise pollution, flooding, inadequate provision for active travel, loss of car free access to our countryside down Chilbridge Road and missed opportunities for tackling our climate and ecological emergency.

The site, Chilbridge Meadows (Land West Of Derrymerrye Farm, Old Witney Road Eynsham) is adjacent to: Thornbury Green on the east; A40 and previous Eynsham Nursery site on the north and; Chilbridge road on the south (map). The application, whilst only a small part of the West Eynsham SDA, will significantly affect future development in the SDA to the south and west, as well as Eynsham. This risk is set out in the community letter and detailed response which include sections on:

Prematurity of the application

Need for an integrated approach and a comprehensive agreed masterplan

Phasing and impact on Eynsham

Comprehensive assessment needed


Roads, active travel and public transport

We are hopeful that hundreds of residents from Eynsham and surrounding village will sign the open community letter, and/or make their own personal response, perhaps using our detailed response as a guide!

The community letter can be downloaded here.

If you would like to sign it, all you need to do is send your name and address to epic2031@gmail.com, saying you would like us to add them to the letter. We will then submit the letter to WODC with all names and addresses as well as put it on the WODC response webpage without the addresses to protect people's privacy. Please try and get your email to us by the deadlne, noon, February 11th if possible. However, you can let us know up unitl March 18th.

If you want to look at:

the application, click here

our detailed response (still working on it and will let you know when link is available).

To send in a personal response, click here.

Please share with anyone who you think might want to have their say.

Don’t forget the DEADLINE is Thursday,

February 11th, but we can submit by March 18th

That’s it!

In hope, from the GreenTEA and EPIC Teams


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