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Eynsham Carnival News

Save Our Carnival! 2 Aug 2016 A message to all Eynsham residents. If you want Carnival to continue, please read on ...

Despite yet another very successful Carnival in July we are in serious difficulties and there is a real possibility that 2016 will be the last.


When the Carnival began all those years ago, it was owned and managed by ‘Parent Bodies’ - Royal British Legion, 1st Eynsham Scouts and more recently St Leonard’s Church and The Rotary Club of Eynsham. These groups have provided the essential officers in the past (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) as well as many volunteers.

But things have changed

  • More and more of our volunteers are individuals who do essential jobs for us but are too busy to commit to becoming the main officers.
  • Most of the current Committee are not Parent Body members and very many of them are standing down after years of service.
  • The Parent Bodies no longer have enough members who can take on the responsibility of being in charge.

To preserve the Carnival they now wish to pass on their ownership to a new VILLAGE Carnival Committee, which would distribute profits within the village. This can only happen if people like you come forward, particularly to serve as Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary -or to offer help in any way you can.

If you want Carnival to continue ...

please respond urgently to Clive Tanner: 01865 880994 or eynshamcarnival@btinternet.com


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