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Eynsham Carnival News

Carnival Update 14 Jun 2018 2018's Carnival Royalty, Rope Wars returns, New Dog Show

Congratulations to Lia Stratford who was crowned Carnival Queen at the Eynsham Carnival Family Disco in March! She will be joined in the parade on Saturday 7th July by deputy Ella Goodenough and attendants Jessica Smith, Anoushka Rhodes, Ami-Lee Peers and Teagan McColl.

New for Carnival 2018!
Rope wars returns, but as well as a mixed event there will be a Female only Tug of War competition. Get your team together and come to the draw night at the Newlands pub on June 23rd - 7.30pm.

K9 Playtime Academy Dog Show - does your dog have the waggiest tail? Are they a whizz at party tricks? Or simply the best? Enter your furry friends to perform in the arena on Carnival day!

For more information and to sign up to both email enquiries@eynshamcarnival.com


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