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WODC May 2023 Update 16 May 2023 Monthly report from the three district councillors, including news on the May elections


Dan was reelected in May for another 4 year period. He will continue to serve on WODC as the Executive member responsible for Finance, and Carl will continue to be Executive member for Planning.  Andy has a number of committee responsibilities, including the Climate committee and Lowlands Planning. As ever, any of us can be consulted with issues and concerns.

The administration continues to address the objectives it set out when it took office 12 months ago, and key among them is ensuring that the new Local Plan is put in place to ensure that development is appropriate for the area, including ensuring that it addresses our climate and biodiversity obligations.

Salt Cross

There is an application to the High Court for a Judicial Review of the Planning Inspectorate’s amendment of WODC’s Area Action Plan for Salt Cross. In particular, the removal of the obligation on the developer to ensure that Salt Cross would be Carbon Neutral after it has been built has been seen a being at odds with the direction of national policy and inspections elsewhere in the country. We await developments.

West Eynsham

The West Eynsham masterplan was approved approximately 15 months ago, by the previous administration. This is a developer led masterplan, rather than a WODC one. In substance the Masterplan contained nearly all of what we would have wanted, including plenty of green space, new public facilities including a primary school, and pedestrian but not car access directly into the older parts of Eynsham.

Unfortunately, in order to meet the objections of some neighbouring land owners, the developers have amended this plan, and introduced two new areas of possible development. These would have to be accessible from the old village by car. Whereas the previous administration would probably have approved these changes, this one has insisted that the plans go to scrutiny. This will happen in the summer and residents and the PC will have the opportunity to address the committee.

The Thomas Homes part of W Eynsham, on the old Nursery site, has now been connected to the water system, after some delay.  We can expect resident to move in soon. Initially access will be via Old Witney Road, but this will be closed once the adjacent part of W Eynsham is built


You will be aware Thames Water have been in the news for putting raw sewage into our rivers, including the Windrush, Evenlode and Thames. WODC has been pressurising them to be honest about the situation. TW have begun providing real-time data on sewage spills, ahead of the legal requirement to do so. And it has agreed to insist on a “Grampian condition” in new planning applications so that houses cannot be occupied until sewage works are upgraded to be able to cope with the new occupancy.

Cassington Sewage Treatment Works will need major investment. It currently spills into the Thames, and will have the new input from W Eynsham, Salt Cross and Begbrook major development.

Carl Rylett, Andy Goodwin, Dan Levy.