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About Us

Your three district councillors for Eynsham, Cassington and South Leigh ward are Andy Goodwin, Dan Levy and Carl Rylett. Feel free to contact us about any issues of concern.

More about Dan | More about Carl | More about Andy

Update on Housing Plans around Eynsham

Salt Cross Garden Village (2,200 houses north of A40)
In early 2021 West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) submitted an Area Plan to set policy for the area. That summer the National Inspector held a hearing to determine if the plan was 'sound' i.e. if it met national policy requirements. The Inspector asked for more information from the Council, especially around the phasing of the project and infrastructure. A response with further detail was provided by WODC in March 2022, so we are now waiting to hear whether this is sufficient to progress the Area Action Plan. In the meantime the outline application for the site is on hold

West Eynsham (1,000 houses)
WODC backed off from work on a council-led Supplementary Planning Document to set out policy for the area. Instead the developers have put together a masterplan which was approved by the Conservative administration, the Cabinet, on 16th March 2022. Your local district councillors are disappointed by the lack of ambition in the masterplan. Anyhow the first application to be submitted, in the north of the site, will probably progress soon

The Services A-Z has a rapid reference guide to West Oxfordshire District Council services.

Eynsham Venue HireMaps & WalksEynsham Image ArchiveEynsham Heritage