There is a public consultation about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This is a means to get property developers to contribute to the public amenities of an area by way of a charge on them, payable upfront when they get planning permission. WODC has proposed that it be levied at 0% on major projects including the Garden Village and West of Eynsham Developments.
Your district councillors Carl Rylett and Dan Levy oppose this 0% rating, as we believe that we need the money to afford key infrastructure which is needed as Eynsham grows. We are sure that there is more than enough gain being made by the landowners and developers for an additional CIL contribution to be affordable.
The CIL would go alongside Section 106 money, which is a contribution made by developers and which is payable as houses are built and must be used on projects specific to the new development.
You can have your say up to 21 August.
The details are here: