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Peace Oak Association News

Peace Oak Centenary 5 Oct 2019 A celebration of the Peace Oak

How might we celebrate the centenary of an Oak tree planted in 1919 to commemorate the armistice? How can we show Eynsham residents, our friends and members the progress we have made in just one year on our beautiful shared space and orchard?

Why not poetry written by Eynsham residents young and old exploring the significance of the oak tree then and now? Maybe we could have a poetry writing workshop and hang the poems on flags round the majestic tree?

A celebration requires music... and food .

What about our orchard... well it’s apple time so how about juicing and having apples cakes and things?

Maybe we should plant some more trees... to last another hundred years?

We can show people our shared vegetable plots, the new vineyard and the recently planted willow.. and baskets made from willow... and origami...
and a fire of course...

Well there a start.. so we did all that. It was a lovely afternoon and lots of people came.... some were already members, others had not heard about us before but saw a poster. Others had thought about joining and have done so since now they know who we are and what we do.

If you are interested go and have a look through the gap in Cobbetts Close. Membership is £10 for a family, £8 for an individual. (form) We have three members events a year and one event for everyone. We like people to get involved on the land, but there are plenty of us, it’s not heavy digging and the working parties are fun. Children love it. Members can come at any time, bring a picnic, play games, explore the woods. Other will have to wait till next years open event.....


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