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Peace Oak Association News

Well 6 Sep 2020 Well digging

The challenge of writing an article on digging a well without including any puns.

Climate change is impacting on the Peace Oak and the recently installed rain collection tanks are less than useful without regular top ups from the gods. The result is either parched allotments and trees or the wholesale importation of water by wheel barrow or van. 

We have therefore decided to explore the possibility of accessing the water table and Jonathan and Zoli have nobly commenced this task. They have gone down three metres and dampness has been detected. Thanks should also go to POA member, Ian Spencer, who has some experience in these matters and who has provided us with advice on construction and health and safety.

We have now got a fully costed plan and will be progressing in two phases.

Phase 1: To secure the sides by inserting a pipe

Phase 2: When money allows to install a solar powered pump

(It is a bit more complicated than that but...)

We have, thanks to the generosity of many, managed to raise the estimated cost of £500 for Phase 1. We are progressing towards the reaching the full cost but still have a way to go so additional donations still gratefully recieved.

STOP PRESS Phase 1 was completed on the 5th September with the water table being reached and the well lined. 


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