About Us A well-designed and spacious purpose-built hall, making an ideal venue. There are toilets, a well-equipped kitchen, a good stock of tables & chairs; and walled lawn area at the rear. Parking opposite in Back Lane car park is easy; there is also a small car park to the front. Please use this link to contact Catherine Baker for details. The following organisations currently meet here:- 1st Eynsham Beaver Scouts1st Eynsham Brownies1st Eynsham Rainbows1st Eynsham Scouts -Pinkhill Troop3rd Eynsham BrowniesEynsham Cubs - Eagle PackEynsham Cubs - Falcon PackEynsham Guide UnitEynsham Repair CafeFledgelings SingFriends of Eynsham Scouting (FOES)
Early days - April 2005 BBC Oxford TV report on the re-building project by Mark Watson. Shows demolition of old hut, building of new, fundraising, interview with GSL Ian Keeley and opening by David Cameron MP. Running time 1:57 minutes