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Repair Cafe Success 9 May 2022 April's event saw nearly 70% of items repaired and 52kg of stuff saved from the tip!

At our last repair cafe on Saturday April 23rd we we looked at nearly 50 items, of which: 

69% were repaired
16% we gave advice on how to fix
52kg were repaired (of 73.6kg)
25.7kg of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) was saved from landfill! 

A range of items were brought to be fixed, including clothing and bags that our sewing volunteers worked their magic on, small electricals including hoovers, tape decks, radios and sewing machines, several bikes and bracelets and necklaces needing new clasps etc.

A new fix at this event was tool sharpening, which was much in demand from the off! 

The next event is planned on Saturday 25th June from 2-4pm, fixes will include Sewing, Darning, Small Electricals, Bikes & Sharpening.

If you care deeply about waste reduction and the environment and would like to help run the repair cafe, we want to hear from you! Email: repaircafeeynsham@gmail.com