Eynsham Carnival Shirt Race goes back to 1958. It still involves fancy dress costume (the dafter the better), some variation on a pram, a tour of local watering holes and quite a lot of beer. Competitors take part at their own risk ...
The Route
A distance of seven furlongs from Bartholomew School layby to The Swan Hotel - Jolly Sportsman - Social Club - Red Lion - Queens Head - Newlands Inn to finish at The White Hart.
Rules of Entry
- You must be aged over eighteen.
- Your vehicle must not be motorised or have fewer than three load-bearing wheels.
- Fancy dress / night attire is optional but preferred.
- Each entrant must pay a fee of £2.50 and sign a disclaimer form.
- You must be at the start line at 11:30.
- At each stop you must change places. The Pusher to consume one half pint of beer or lemonade at each stop.