Eynsham Image ArchiveEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar Farm


Dancing out through the summer from May 1st. Our programme, both printed and online, tells you where to find us throughout the year.

The dance season continues through till September. We then end our season with our ‘Last Day of Dance’ for the year.

Every year Eynsham Morris leads a ‘Carol Service in a Pub’ usually the Tuesday evening before Christmas Eve.

On Boxing Day, Eynsham Morris has a ‘kickup’ starting in The Square at 12 noon, moving on to dance outside some of the pubs and ending up for a singing & music session.

Do you want to dance with Eynsham Morris?

On most Tuesday evenings (October - April), you'll find us at The White Hart public house from about 8pm till closing.

You are eligible if your parents were living in Eynsham when you were born, if you live in Eynsham now or if you have lived in Eynsham. We are still an all male side.


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Under the greenwood treeKeep up a great tradition ... - Photographer Eleanor LaunchburyLaugh a lot ... - Photographer Timothy AllenVisit strange places ...Wow the crowds ...

Find Us

The White Hart

Newland Street
Oxfordshire  OX29 4LB

Hours: Tuesday 7.30pm

Eynsham Image ArchiveEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar Farm