Eynsham Venue HireEynsham Image ArchiveBotley West Solar FarmMaps & Walks


Eynsham History Group (EHG) exists primarily to encourage studies in, and to promote knowledge of, the history of the village and parish of Eynsham, by means of regular meetings, with invited speakers, in autumn and spring (with a break from early December to mid January); and occasional outings may be possible in the summer. New members are welcome.

Yearly subscription is £10 collected from mid-September. You can pay by cash, cheque or Bank Transfer. Subscription covers monthly OLHA e-bulletin as well. Visitors are welcome. Pay at the door £3 per meeting.

  • Eynsham Record logoThe Eynsham Record is its annual journal from 1984, generally published at the AGM in spring.
  • Other, occasional papers may be found under Eynsham Heritage.

Above: our logo - the lead ornamental plaque showing a mitred bishop with crosier, found during the Eynsham Abbey site excavations.

Find Us

St Leonard's Church Hall

Thames Street
Oxfordshire  OX29 4HF

T: 01865 881 690

Hours: 1st Thursday of the month October-December and February-April, 19:30-21:00

Eynsham Venue HireEynsham Image ArchiveBotley West Solar FarmMaps & Walks