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LibDem Candidate for Election, 2 May 12 Apr 2024 Please vote for Andy Goodwin to return to the District Council

Andy lives in Eynsham, is married with four daughters at Bartholomew school. He’s very active in the community: organising Run Wytham Woods, a 10km race raising over £30,000 for the primary school; helping with the Eynsham Christmas vouchers scheme; and coaching girls’ football. Andy works in Information Technology and in his spare time creates willow sculptures and enjoys playing football.

I want to welcome new residents moving to our wonderful village, listening to all and helping to deliver the best results for our community. I am opposed to the extensive size of Botley West Solar Farm, we need solar energy but in planned and considered way.

As part of the Lib Dem team that has led the WODC administration this past two years, we will focus on:

  • Putting residents first
  • A new housing plan, with realistic housing targets for West Oxfordshire
  • Continued scrutiny on Thames Water, challenging them and ensuring adequate sewage treatment capacity is in place for all new housing
  • Backing the plans for carbon net zero housing for Salt Cross
  • Building more affordable homes, on top of the 267 delivered in 2023
  • Open democracy, streaming council meetings online

Here to talk, Andy Goodwin can be contacted at


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