We were so glad to be back! So thank you for finding yourself on this page to find out how our show went this year.
After a break in 2020, Eynsham Village Show was back up and running this year and took place on Saturday 11th September.
We saw 67 entrants… 350 entries… 23 cups and trophies awarded…!
We were heartened to see names we knew on the entry forms and on certificates and excited to see names that were new to us too. Of course, we were saddened that in the two years between the last show and this, the village has said ‘goodbye’ to familiar faces who we would usually see at the show. Two people in particular who now have trophies in their honour: Colin Fisk for the winner of the Vegetable Basket class and Shirley Fisk for the Best Victoria Sandwich class. We were delighted that their grandson, Adam, presented these awards to the proud winners.
Thank you to Pam and Bob Thiele who gave their time to hand out the cups, trophies and shields. We always chose people for this task who we feel deserve recognition for work done in the community (and there are so many so it’s always soooo difficult to chose!), so thank you for all the work you’ve been doing with the Community Larder over the last 18 months.
These events don’t just happen! There is a committee of four: myself, and the amazing work of Stella Scrivens (who, amongst other things, runs around putting up posters, delivering entry forms etc.), Claire Singleton (who this year has picked up the unenviable task of the database work – a massive thank you from me for saving my sleepless nights!) and Julie Jordan (who is always calling on her vast network of contacts for us!).
But… there are so many other people involved, I dread to name them in case I forget someone, but volunteers pitch up on the day to help set up, help people who haven’t entered before, sort out and run the raffle, shake a bucket to help with funds to run the day, our judges and their escorts and of course folks who stay at the end to help us tidy up. We are very, very grateful for all your help.
So, what about next year? We’re certainly planning on it happen so if you’ve taken part for years or were you a first time; if you have set yourself a personal challenge or had a wager with some friends who entered the same classes; or you didn’t enter this year but think you might next year…Go on, you know you want to, and we would love to see you!
For folks who have been around the village a while (or have family who have) does anyone have any information on when the show started? We think it was originally a collaboration between the Gardening Club and Eynsham Allotment Association, but we are finding difficult to establish the precise year. Any help gratefully received; we’d love to celebrate any Big Birthday the show may be due!
The show is entirely self-funding and the only income we have is from the entries and the raffle (we want to make it as accessible as we can so don’t charge to come in look around) but it has a lot of outgoings e.g. hire of halls, insurance, printing and other consumables etc., this year we ran at a small loss. If you work for a company that has a corporate/social responsibility model, we would love to talk about how we might be supported to ensure the show continues for this amazing village, whether that be via monetary donation, sponsorship or supplies, every little would help. Thanks you!
Chair, Eynsham Village Show.