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Local Plan Examination : Time Out 5 Aug 2017 (EPIC) WODC's new proposals for further work to be undertaken include ‘assessment of reasonable alternatives’ to the two Eynsham sites

WODC has published an indicative timetable for additional work on its Draft Local Plan, as agreed with Government Inspector Malcolm Rivett. Other new documents now available in the Examination Library include an outline of further specific modifications.

The most interesting new document for Eynsham is probably WODC's response to submissions on its sustainability appraisal, where ...

‘... the Council proposes to undertake the following further work which is intended to address the principal outstanding criticisms.

i. Reconsideration and assessment of reasonable alternatives to the Eynsham Garden Village;

ii. Reconsideration and assessment of reasonable alternatives to the West Eynsham SDA ...’

The Inspector's original letter to the WODC planners, on 25 July, gives no hint as to where his thinking is taking him. Most interesting perhaps is his concluding statement:

‘You will of course appreciate that I have yet to determine whether or not these modifications are capable of making the plan sound. Moreover, in the light of the additional evidence which is being prepared and my overall deliberations on the plan, it may be that other modifications will be necessary.’

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