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first step towards a parking solution

Tackling The Tuer

Tackling The Tuer (15 Nov 2011)

Once yellow lines were in place, Thames Valley Police agreed to enforce any obstruction of the Tuer.

- The Tuer is a highway and is covered by legislation in Section 137 Highways Act 1980.
- It is an offence to wilfully cause an obstruction of a public thoroughfare.
- No person in charge of a motor vehicle or trailer shall cause or permit the vehicle to stand on a road as to cause any unnecessary obstruction of the road.
- This means that you commit an offence if you park a motor vehicle in the Tuer blocking the free flow of traffic through it.
- The offence initially would result in a £30 penalty ticket, the removal of the vehicle with a charge of £150 and a possible court appearance.
- Initially warning letters will be placed on offending vehicles and a record made of the registration numbers; if the warnings are not heeded enforcement will commence.

Maps & WalksEynsham Venue HireEynsham HeritageEynsham Image Archive