Eynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Venue Hire

About Us

Small, well-equipped hall and kitchen with the best view in Eynsham and a large car park beside St Peter's Church. The large patio windows open to give a pleasant open air space when the weather is good. Ideal for small children's parties.

The following organisations meet here:-

“The archives don’t show what proportion of the cost was raised by parishioners but, due to Father Tolkien’s amazing generosity, within what seemed a very short time plans were agreed and our hall was a reality.

“This excellent meeting place, the ‘Tolkien Room’ is in constant use and its value to the parish cannot be over-estimated.” Sara Ruane 2004 - in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the parish


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first glimpse from the vestibule - Photographer Eynsham Onlinedouble doors to the south terrace - Photographer Eynsham Onlineapproach from the north - Photographer Eynsham Online

Find Us

Tolkien Room

Abbey Street
Oxfordshire  OX29 4HS

T: 01865 881 613

Eynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Venue Hire