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Seasonal Recipes

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Local resident, journalist and foodie Helen Peacocke said: "I thought it would be good to do a few recipes that follow the seasons and could be linked with the vegetables and fruits that the Eynsham allotment holders are harvesting".

  • fresh food in seasonApril offers the first shoots of mint, asparagus and nettles, a free alternative to spinach - and the hens begin laying again.
  • May begins with roasted asparagus - simplest of all - and only one of many recipes for this classy vegetable. A few weeks on, rhubarb comes into its own - in fool with a new twist, in crumble and in wine - followed by an oriental approach to radishes, a rare sighting of Swiss Chard and 3 mouth-watering ideas for strawberries.
  • June begins with more Jubilee ideas than you can imagine, then moves on to broad beans and beetroot.

And so it continues. Check the seasonal selection one at a time, or browse the bumper PDF. If you’re looking for plant-based recipe ideas you’ll find around 50 here :-)


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rabbit pie - Photographer Helen Peacockebeef and beer casserole - Photographer Helen Peacockewild garlic leaves and flowers - Photographer Helen Peacockeapple pancakes - Photographer Helen Peacockerhubarb and flag - Photographer Helen Peacockeasparagus spears - Photographer Helen Peacockeblackberry and elderberry cordial - Photographer Helen Peacockeelderflower champagne cordial - Photographer Helen Peacockebroad beans - Photographer Helen Peacockehedgehog roll - Photographer Helen Peacockesummer pudding - Photographer Helen Peacockecourgettes - stuffed - Photographer Helen PeacockeChristmas cakes - Photographer Helen Peacockelamb cutlets with mulberries - Photographer Helen Peacockerhubarb & orange meringue pie - Photographer Helen Peacocke
Eynsham HeritageEynsham Venue HireBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Image Archive