Local resident, journalist and foodie Helen Peacocke said: "I thought it would be good to do a few recipes that follow the seasons and could be linked with the vegetables and fruits that the Eynsham allotment holders are harvesting".
April offers the first shoots of mint, asparagus and nettles, a free alternative to spinach - and the hens begin laying again.
May begins with roasted asparagus - simplest of all - and only one of many recipes for this classy vegetable. A few weeks on, rhubarb comes into its own - in fool with a new twist, in crumble and in wine - followed by an oriental approach to radishes, a rare sighting of Swiss Chard and 3 mouth-watering ideas for strawberries.
June begins with more Jubilee ideas than you can imagine, then moves on to broad beans and beetroot.
And so it continues. Check the seasonal selection one at a time, or browse the bumper PDF. If you’re looking for plant-based recipe ideas you’ll find around 50 here :-)