Botley West Solar FarmEynsham Venue HireEynsham HeritageMaps & Walks

Archive of Documents & Events

12th August, 2020

Growing a Healthy Garden without Pesticides - Speaker Pauline Pears,

Hosted by Eynsham Garden Club


8th August, 2020

Learn to use a scythe for cutting grass. A great form of green gym as well as being a green machine without fossil fuels...

Hosted by Long Mead Local Wildlife Site

1st August, 2020

Summer Fruit Tree Grafting (chip-budding method),

by Chris Lanczak, Head Orchardist of Waterperry Gardens,

Hosted by Long Mead, Swinford.

Max 8 People

£28 including your own tree to takeaway. (Discounts available for young people and anyone else who feels they need one)

20th June, 2020

Garden Wildflower Patch Workshop


Garden Wildflower Patch Workshop, by Alison Muldal (ex Natural England) and Catriona Bass, Long Mead Wildlife Site,

Hosted by Long Mead

This workshop would help people with preparing their own garden before sowing seeds in September.

Price £8 including visit to Long Mead Meadow and to Alison’s back garden wildflower patch in Kennington. (Discounts available for young people and anyone else who feels they need one).

5th April, 2020

Butterfly surveying techniques workshop by Nick Bowles of Butterfly Conservation


Free – but Butterfly Conservation will only take those people who can commit to sending them butterfly records following the course.

5th April, 2020

Great Garden Wildlife Survey

Starting Sunday 5th April, 10.00-10.30am, Great Garden Bird Survey for Eynsham

This will be an amazing opportunity to get a comprehensive picture of the birds that currently live with us in the Village

We all sit in our gardens for half an hour enjoying our birds (or at the window if it is more comfortable), noting what they are and how many they are (and then again, same time same place, until Corvid19 lets us out!). You might want to note the bush or tree that you see them in as this information will inform decisions that you make in the future about changes to your garden.

You need to record your data under the following headings: address, date and time, weather, bird species, bird numbers, comments. It would be useful if you could provide a brief description (or annotated map) of your garden – how big it is, what trees and shrubs you have, what proportion is lawn/flowerbeds/veg patch, if you have stone walls/brick walls/fence, whether you have a pond, bird boxes, a bird table and if so what you feed your birds.


1. Please email your records to Sally Taylor - (and copy: with the subject line: Great Garden Bird Survey. If you can’t email your records, keep them safe and we’ll collect them in due course.

2. If you are not certain of a particular bird don’t include it in the count – you can email us a picture (if you can) and we’ll help identify it.

3. If you can’t make Sunday at 10.00am, any half an hour during the week will be fine.

April 1st 2020

Long Mead Wildlife Site - Management for Conservation and Production, Talk by Catriona Bass

Hosted by The Eynsham Society


Catriona Bass talks for The Eynsham Society about Long Mead Farm (Local Wildlife Site) whihc she has managed for 20 years and Nature Recovery in Oxfordshire.

28th March 2020

Fruit tree grafting workshop (whip and tongue method),


by Chris Lanczak, Head Orchardist of Waterperry Gardens, 28 March 9.30pm to 12.30pm. Long Mead, Swinford

Max 8 people.

Price: £28 including your own tree to takeaway. (Discounts available for young people and anyone else who feels they need one)

Hosted by Long Mead

21st March 2020

Bird surveying techniques workshop by John Melling of the British Trust for Ornithology, Hosted by Long Mead, Swinford, 


29th February 2020

Bird Box Bash hosted by Peace Oak Orchard

Peace Oak Community Orchard will be hosting a Bird Box Bash on Saturday 29th. February from 10:30 to 12:30. There are two elements...

i) For the younger members of the POA there will be kits to be constructed and put up within the Peace Oak site. Adult help required.

ii) And for everyone, under the banner of the Nature Recovery Project, we will be facilitating the production of bird boxes for people to take away. Plans of various types of boxes will be available. Bring wood and tools if you have them but not essential.

21st February 2020

Hedgehog talk, Hugh Warwick

A talk by Hugh Warwick, ecologist, author and spokesperson for the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

Price £5 (Hosted by Peace Oak Community Orchard)

16th February 2020

Eynsham's First Nature Recovery Day!

Since now is the season of tree planting we thought we’d launch our collective efforts with trees, as well as starting our first surveys and first steps towards propagating our own material for the future. 

It is too early in the year for some surveys but those interested in surveying birds, bats and veteran trees can gather to discuss patches to monitor. Please email ASAP if you'd like to organise or lead surveys and if you'd like to sign up.

We will be planting trees on some public plots. Feel free to propose places in advance that are not parish owned (this will take longer to arrange). Our free trees from Woodland Trust are only due next autumn but we've sourced a few to plant on a few public places. If, at the same time, anyone needs a helping hand to plant a tree in their own garden there should be people about to give advice. But equally important we can start to propagate our own from the hedgerows and woods. So, those of us who would prefer something gentler than digging holes can come down to Long Mead to gather seeds in the hedgerows (eg wild rose, buckthorn, hawthorn) cut willow and dig up some saplings. 

More offers of nursery beds to nurture them till we plant out would be great.

15th February 2020

Market Garden are trail-blazing with a fund-raiser for our local Nature Recovery!

On 15th February a fantastically generous first boost to Nature Recovery comes from the Market Garden Shop and Café. Jonathan and Lucy have offered to put 5% of all their takings towards trees for the Nature Recovery Project in Eynsham and surrounding villages on that day.

Jonathan says: ‘Having the fundraiser now will help keep the very encouraging initial momentum going, and any money left over can be spent on trees in the autumn.’

So let’s go down to the Market Garden on the 15th Feb and buy, buy, buy…!

Botley West Solar FarmEynsham Venue HireEynsham HeritageMaps & Walks