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EYNSHAM COUNTRY MARKET is part of the network of Country Markets Ltd operating in England, Wales and the Channel Islands. Eynsham is one of more than 150 country markets in the organisation. Oxfordshire has three markets and in Eynsham we have about 40 active suppliers and helpers coming from Eynsham itself, Appleton, Aston, Barnard Gate, Carterton, Cote, Cumnor, Freeland, Hanborough, Kidlington, Standlake and Witney.

Contributors range from home cooks (all with up to date Food Hygiene certificates) to craft producers, to gardeners selling fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers, and bee keepers. Some support the Market on a regular basis with seasonal produce while some come just occasionally, bringing what is available in their gardens. ECM reflects the true seasons of the year, champions local skills and produce - and cuts food miles.

So come along to the Market Square, outside the Red Lion, between 9:00 and 10:30 on a Thursday morning from February to December and you will find our stalls selling a great display of home-made, home grown goods - cakes, breads, tarts, savouries, cookies, honey, jams, chutneys and marmalades. In season find locally grown fruit, root and green vegetables, posies of flowers, herbs and plants ready for planting out. Find something for supper, the freezer or for vegetarians. The hand-crafts section includes beautiful greeting cards, needlework, wooden and knitted goods and, also willow garden plant supports and bird feeders when available.

Eynsham Country Market’s queue at opening time is famous across the village, cheerful in any weather. Orders for collection the following week can be taken at our order table. There are often free samples of produce from our home cooks to allow customers that chance to sample before deciding what to buy.

You will also find some of our produce in local outlets, which would enable you to buy them if you are unable to be at the market itself.  If cannot come to the market, you can order produce by sending email to eynshamcountrymarket76@gmail.com for more information on the produce we sell.  We hold themed markets throughout the year, some of which occur on a Saturday in Eynsham and the Recreation Hall in Long Hanborough.  This hopefully gives everyone a chance to attend our markets.  Please see our list of events on Eynsham Online or pick up a printed calendar from the market.

Thinking of a special occasion or gift? Consider a Country Market hamper and ask us about this service. For this or other queries (perhaps you could be interested in joining the team in some capacity?) please contact us. 



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Eynsham Country Market at Long Hanborough - Photographer Jane DysonCakes at ECM - Photographer Jane DysonFresh garden produce - Photographer Jane DysonChutneys at ECM - Photographer Jane DysonBeautiful hand knitted items - Photographer Jane DysonOriginal hand made cards - Photographer Jane DysonCentenary Celebration Rose Cake - Photographer Jane DysonFree tastings - Photographer Eynsham OnlineCut flowers in season - Photographer Eynsham Online
Eynsham Image ArchiveEynsham HeritageMaps & WalksBotley West Solar Farm