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What We Do

The Charity distributes grants to help people who are in need, hardship or distress.

Grants can be made:

  • in money paid direct to the person concerned - eg for general expenses in a sudden financial crisis caused by matrimonial problems, bereavement, etc;
  • by providing things people need, like buying a new pair of glasses, furniture, special equipment for people with disabilities;
  • by paying for services - an insurance premium or heating costs, for example;
  • by making payments to other bodies or organisations which help those in need, like the Eynsham Day Centre;
  • in circumstances where the cost of providing the necessary help will be high, as part of a shared effort with other similar organisations, like the Royal British Legion, SSAFA, etc.

The trustees are NOT allowed to make grants directly to relieve rates, taxes or other public charges, nor can they commit themselves in advance to repeat any help they give. The trustees do not make loans.

Residential qualification

There is no age qualification for a grant, but people receiving a grant must be resident in the “Ancient Parish of Eynsham” which covers all of the present Parish and part of Freeland also. However, there is a provision in the rules of the Charity which enables grants to be made in exceptional cases to people who are resident immediately outside the area of the Ancient Parish, so anyone living anywhere in Freeland should feel free to apply.

Events Diary


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Eynsham HeritageEynsham Venue HireBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Image Archive