Eynsham Image ArchiveMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Heritage

How to Apply

Applications for grants can be made either by the person who is in need, hardship or distress, or on their behalf - for example, by a friend or neighbour. Applicants are asked to complete the application form which should be sent to the Clerk, either by post or email.

The trustees meet four times a year, usually in February, May, August or September and November. They will consider the application and be in touch with you as soon as possible. There is also a subcommittee to deal with urgent applications between meetings. All applications are treated absolutely confidentially.

Events Diary

About the Charity

A Registered Charity, no. 200977, it operates under a constitution set up by the Charity Commission.

There are 9 trustees, four appointed by Eynsham Parish Council and one by Freeland Parish Council (Mike Foster). The Vicar of Freeland Steve Stewart also serves as a trustee.

Trustees living in Eynsham are Andy Mosson (Chairman), Jane Osborne, Dr Max Peterson, Carl Rylett, Ann Partlett, Derek Malin and the Vicar, Duncan Fraser.

A report is made each spring to the Eynsham Parish Meeting.

The details of people receiving grants are not made public.

Eynsham Image ArchiveMaps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham Heritage