Botley West Solar FarmDonate to Eynsham Online CICEynsham HeritageMaps & Walks

How to Apply

Applications for grants can be made either by the person who is in need, hardship or distress, or on their behalf - for example, by a friend or neighbour. There is no application form nor are there any formalities to be got through - just write to the Clerk with details of the problem concerned and what the grant is wanted for (in particular, include wherever possible details of any costs involved and copies of estimates, bills, etc). Applications can be accepted by hand or by post (in which case please supply an email address if possible), or by email.

The trustees meet four times a year, usually in February, May, August or September and November. They will consider the application and be in touch with you as soon as possible. There is also a subcommittee to deal with urgent applications between meetings. All applications are treated absolutely confidentially.

About the Charity

A Registered Charity, no. 200977, it operates under a constitution set up by the Charity Commission.

There are 9 trustees, four appointed by Eynsham Parish Council and one by Freeland Parish Council (Mike Foster). The Vicar of Freeland Steve Stewart also serves as a trustee.

Trustees living in Eynsham are Andy Mosson (Chairman), Jane Osborne, Dr Max Peterson, Carl Rylett, Nick Relph, Derek Malin and the Vicar, Duncan Fraser.

A report is made each spring to the Eynsham Parish Meeting.

The details of people receiving grants are not made public.

Events Diary

Botley West Solar FarmDonate to Eynsham Online CICEynsham HeritageMaps & Walks