Privacy Notice The information you provide to the Charity will only be used to enable the trustees to decide whether to make a grant and if so the amount. The only information the Charity will hold about you will be the information you yourself have provided in your grant application. The lawful basis for the Charity to be able to deal with your application is that the trustees have a legitimate interest in using their funds to make grants, as required by the Charity Commission Scheme which regulates their activities. If the trustees believe it to be necessary in dealing with your application to share your information with other bodies (such as other charities), your explicit advance consent will be requested, unless the application is so urgent that seeking consent might result in any grant being made too late to be of any help. The personal information you provide to the Charity will be kept for 7 years but no longer. You may request from the Clerk a copy of any personal data the Charity may hold about you and have corrected any details that may be incorrect.
Contact UsContact Clerk to the Trustees - Catherine BartonEmail Clerk to the Trustees - Catherine Barton60 Dovehouse Close Eynsham OX29 4EX