Maps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageEynsham Image Archive

Back Story

2017/18 Specific drug problems added as priorities

2016/17 Focus expanding to local drug problems

2014/15 Focus on parking - speeding - litter / dog fouling - anti social behaviour - traffic (quantity, suitability, etc) - lack of youth facilities - police visibility.

2013/14 Focus on anti-social behaviour / criminal damage; speeding; parking. It is highly likely that parking restrictions will be more rigorously enforced in future. As our new leaflet shows, the NAG is treating this longstanding issue as a priority.

2012/13 Focus on speeding; parking; youth facilities. Speeding checks will be carried out at various points; parking is now dealt with by WODC but wardens will be asked to check. Youth video “A Day in the Life of a Zombie” starring PCSO Helen Keen.

2011/12 Focus on anti social behaviour; youth priorities; speeding. Youth priorities cover any youth issue except ASB, including provision of facilities if applicable. Our first Tasta Day - a chance for young artists aged 11-18 to have a go at graffiti taught by professionals - went down a storm; and “Pimp My Bike” was another runaway success.

2010/11 Focus on youths hanging around / anti-social behaviour; speeding; drugs. Speeding checks have shown that only a small percentage of vehicles are breaking the law; these will be dealt with. Litter and parking are now dealt with by WODC. Parking enforcement is now a civil matter carried out by WODC (01993 861000), though some enforcement - such as parking on a pedestrian crossing - remains with the police.

2009/10 Focus on speeding; anti-social behaviour; vandalism. The team visited every village in the area with the mobile police station and spent a final afternoon at Eynsham Carnival. Residents were also offered an online form to set out any concerns


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Maps & WalksBotley West Solar FarmEynsham HeritageEynsham Image Archive