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Donations to Eynsham Charities 13 Oct 2024 Invitation to donate to two local charities

The two Eynsham Charities are small with limited resources and welcome donations (or a bequest in your will) to continue our work.

In the past we have encouraged donors to consider “recycling“ their Government Winter Fuel Payment in order that it may be redistributed to needy folk in the village. Now that the government has restricted these payments to all but those most in need, this is no longer an attractive option for many, but we do welcome any donations, however small, from anyone who feels fortunate enough to be able make a gift to either charity, the Eynsham Consolidated Charity or to the Bartholomew Educational Foundation.

Payments may also be made directly to the Charities’ accounts:

  • Eynsham Consolidated Charity: sort code 09-01-51, a/c 25159404
  • Bartholomew Educational Foundation: sort code 09-01-51 a/c 53159405

Payments by cheque can be sent to the Clerk, Catherine Barton, payable either to ‘Eynsham Consolidated Charity’ or ‘Bartholomew Educational Foundation’ and addressed c/o The Bartholomew Room, The Square, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4HW.

The trustees thank all last year’s donors most of whom remain anonymous, having made their donations by bank transfer.

Please note email address for enquiries: eynshamcharities@gmail.com

IMPORTANT. If you know of anyone in the villages of Eynsham and Freeland who may benefit from support with their winter heating costs, do please let Catherine know.


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