This term we have been designing cities of the future, making balloon cars out of lego, looking at everyone's pet in pets' corner and making bird feeders. As well as cooking macaroni cheese and omelettes.
We were meeting face-to-face in small groups and before the second lock down were able to have a round Eynsham Quiz, and take part in a Woodcraft day run at Perriots Farm woods by the outdoor company Fat Squirrel. Cubs got very good at archery, axe throwing and backwoods cooking.
We have a full programme going forward until Christmas, via zoom at the moment with quizzes, crafting, science experiments and astronomy. We are looking forward to crafting decorations to go on Eynsham Scouts' contribution to the Eynsham Tree Festival. Our theme will be 'Frosty the Snowman' so make sure you come and see it.
Akela Rose laid the Eynsham Scout wreath at the war memorial on November 11th to remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us today. We also looked at how Cubs and Scouts contributed to the war effort in 1945 and how we can become involved in our communities today.
Eynsham Scouts are taking part in the sponsored walk/cycle or swim event run by Scouting UK called 'Race Round The World'. It aims to raise funds for Scout groups around the country who are suffering financial hardship. Do log into our Just Giving page to donate.
When we can we will be meeting in the Scout Hut for crafts and cake, a night hike, outdoor game, and indoor games all covid safe and socially distanced in compliance with government and Scouting guidelines. There's something for everyone at Cubs.