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Local Businesses Support Fire Station 14 Nov 2022 Did you know - local businesses enable our Fire Station to run by allowing staff to be OnCall Firefighters, responding at work?

Did you know that Eynsham Fire Station, off Old Station Way, operates as an entirely ‘on-call’ station? This means that we rely on local women and men who live and/or work in the village to respond to the station (alerted by a pager) whenever an emergency occurs in the vicinity.

This could be a fire in a commercial/industrial unit, a house fire, a car crash, or any kind of rescue from water, heights, or underground, and many other emergencies.

On-call firefighters are professionally trained to become highly-skilled, disciplined, safe and effective members of our team, working around their commitment to primary employment.

Local businesses play an important role in allowing their staff to respond for us during their working hours. This allows us to recruit firefighters who work in the village, not just those that live in Eynsham.

We will be holding a Station Open Day on Friday 25th November from 11am to 3pm where employers and any employees who are interested can come along to see what happens at the station. As an employer, you will then understand the pros and cons for your business and the benefits to the local community. And whilst you’re there, you and your team can have a go and see if you have what it takes to be an Eynsham firefighter!

Please let me know if you would like any further information, and feel free to get in touch by emailing laurence.jennings@oxfordshire.gov.uk. Alternatively, just message us on Facebook or Instagram (search Eynsham Fire Station).


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