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Eynsham Croquet Club News

Great result against Wantage 22 May 2019 .

Eynsham 7 - 2 White Horse.
On a glorious spring day, the match was much enjoyed on the challenging  courts, which are on the outfield of the cricket field. They do their best, but we are lucky indeed to have such relatively good, level courts (thanks again Pat). White Horse are renovating their clubhouse, which they are fortunate to share with the cricket club, but it is very close to the croquet courts, unlike our route march.  They made us very welcome and served a fine tea after the match.
Individual results:
Tony/Rosemary:............. W3 - L0  (hoops won : hoops lost:   21:11, = 1.9)
Roger/Steve ....................W2 - L1 (hoops won : hoops lost:    15:16, = 0.9)
Neil/Ann E   .....................W2 - L1 (hoops won :hoops lost:     18:10, = 1.8) 
Very good result for our first friendly outing of the season.


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