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The Traffic Issue 21 Mar 2018 What matters most? Have your say and win £25 from Eynsham News!

Eynsham can expect a significant amount in ‘developer funding’ from new housing to the north and west, as and when that happens. How would you allocate the money?

Here’s a traffic-related ‘shopping list’ from Eynsham Draft Neighbourhood Plan, based on earlier consultations with residents:

  • PARKING in the village centre
  • TRAFFIC management and cycle paths
  • SMARTER entrances & retail areas.

Can we work out what matters most?

Tell Eynsham News what you think!

The Parish Council seems to feel the choice is made already: it has spent almost £6000 researching a village-wide 20mph zone, with 10 ‘highway intervention points’ (as shown below) at an estimated total cost approaching £500,000.

This extract from the consultants’ draft report provides some background: the original was published last September but has received very little attention.

Here are the ‘targets’ and costings (view detail):

  • Hanborough Road £52,680
  • Newland Street £42,760
  • Mill Street £37,680
  • Harris’s Corner £23,400 plus ‘bus gate’
  • High Street £47,640
  • Oxford Road £30,180
  • Station Road £20,700
  • Witney Road S £51,240
  • Witney Road N £74,220
  • Spareacre Lane £69,540.

Tell Eynsham News YOUR top concern with Eynsham traffic! We’ll pass the results to the Parish Council, to inform future funding decisions.


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