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Bartholomew Players News

Cheque for Bike Safe Community Path 29 Jun 2017 Bartholomew Players present Cheque to Bike Safe B4044 Eynsham to Botley Community Path Campaign

Gareth Hammond, Chairman of Bartholomew Players, Eynsham, presented a cheque for £330 to Ian Leggett of the Bike Safe B4044 Eynsham to Botley Community Path Campaign as their share of the profits from the Charity Supper night of “Humble Boy”, a play by Charlotte Jones, performed by Bartholomew Players on Friday 19th May 2017. 80 people attended the 2-course supper and play and the money raised through purchasing tickets for the supper and play, raffle tickets, auction prizes and drinks at the bar enabled Bartholomew Players to make this donation for such a worthy cause which will benefit the Eynsham community. Pictured in the photograph (from L to R) are: Ian Leggett, Gareth Hammond, Ros Kent, John Blackie.


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