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Pavilion Award 5 Dec 2012 Eynsham Parish Council has succeeded in its bid for a grant to refurbish the kitchen at the Sports Pavilion on Oxford Road.

Eynsham Parish Council has succeeded in its bid for a grant to refurbish the kitchen at the Sports Pavilion on Oxford Road (Queen Elizabeth II Field).

The grant was awarded - against fierce competition - by SITA Trust, “an ethical funding organisation dedicated to making lasting improvements to the natural environment and community life”. The Trust operates under the Landfill Communities Fund, with funds donated by the recycling and resource management company SITA UK. The allocation for 2012 was appropriately named the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Fund and sites became eligible to apply, once they had been dedicated as a QEII Field.

Plans for refurbishment of the Pavilion include a new cooker, storage space and (some) redecoration. The Council will discuss and plan the project with some of the major hirers and users of the kitchen area, including Eynsham Art Class and Road Runners. It is hoped that the project will be completed by late spring / summer 2013.

Total cost of the work is expected to be in the region of £7440 - to which the SITA Trust is contributing £5300.


  • Fields in Trust, the freeholder of the South Field, approached the Parish Council early in 2011.
  • Formal opening was performed by the Carnival Queen at Carnival 2012.


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