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Eynsham Observatory News

The Night Sky in September! 1 Sep 2024 What to look out for in the night sky from Eynsham.

The Night Sky in September!

This is not intended to be comprehensive - it is a quick guide to help you find a few things in the night sky without any equipment - just your eyes.

All of these are very bright and easy to find when walking around the village.

The planets

Mercury rises about 5:30 am in the East - be careful of the Sun rising when looking.

Venus can not be seen.

Saturn rises in the east at Sunset and can be seen all night.

Mars and Jupiter rise around midnight in the east.

The full Moon is on the 18th it rises in the East around 7:30pm. It will be close to the horizon - giving it an illusion that it is bigger.

There is also a partial Lunar eclipse in the early hours - it is interesting but not very impressive

Look out for the attached chart to help you find the Pleiades. And also finding North.

There is a well placed and bright International Space Station pass(ISS) this month on the 16th starting at 8.54pm and will be very bright. 

I have made or found the following charts to help you find: -

  • 4th Mercury rising at sunrise
  • 16th International Space Station pass
  • 16th Moon and Saturn
  • 18th Partial lunar eclipse
  • 23rd Moon and Jupiter
  • 26th Moon and Mars before sunrise
  • Phases of the Moon
  • Finding North


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